Want to Make Friends? - Start a New Hobby?
Fancy Playing the Ukulele?
Eynsham Ukuleles is always looking for beginners and experienced players to join us.
All ages are welcome. No knowledge of music is needed and we can teach you
everything you need to know.
We meet at 4 pm every Sunday and 8 pm every Wednesday evening at The White Hart in Newland Street, Eynsham
Apart from a small contribution (currently £3 per meeting) towards the room rental and
other expenses, there is nothing to pay.
If you are interested in joining us, you can either just
turn up on a Sunday or Wednesday evening, or if you want to chat with one of us first, contact us
via the
"Contact Us" page.
If you are new to ukuleles, you might like to try some tutorials to start learning the basics.
See our
tutorials page to find some excellent free tutorials
you can get started with.